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Worksheet to assist in the preparation of Our Christian Life and Ministry Workbook for the week of February 21-27, 2022.

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Jeinny es magnifico tenerlo también en inglés!!! Muchísimas gracias por tu gran trabajo!

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Wow!!!!! Thank you very much!!!! This is amazing and I’m so happy now I can print this out for my daughter!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!  Jehová le pague por este aporte!!! Rut 2:12!! Gracias!!!!

Respuesta de quien subió el archivo.

I'm happy she'll benefit from it. 😃

PS: Since it's a pdf document, she can prepare the meeting directly in the computer or tablet by adding text boxes. That will allow her go to the source by clicking on the link and copy/paste the info to it and arrange it. That will also help save on ink/paper. 🤗

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