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1 Imagen de referencia


This material has been sourced from the 2014 Watchtower Library compact disk.
Scriptures Included. Only verses that are explained in some way are included in the
Scripture Index. Hence, if the material explains the meaning of the text, gives its
background, tells why the text was written, or clarifies an original-language word and its
implications, the text would be indexed, since the verse or part of it is explained.
Scriptures that are used as proof texts but that are not explained are omitted. For example,
Ezekiel 18:4 may be used merely to show that the soul dies. In this instance the scripture
would not be indexed, since no explanation of the text is given.
Note: In some verses material from the WTLibrary is duplicated. However, due to time
constraints it is not possible to edit these out.

Additional personal research is encouraged. ^_^^_^

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