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Read the Bible in a Year (Pack)


Start January 1st and read through the Bible in the order the books appear.
You will finish on December 31st.

By Subject
Read a different subject each day of the week.  Subjects are
The Law, History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels, and Letters.

You read the whole Bible in the chronological order
in which the events took place.

Order Written
Read the books of the Bible in a year in the order
in which they were completed.

Reading Checklist
Read at your own pace and order.  
There is a box for every chapter in the Bible to check when you have read it. 
It is a good way to chart your progress.

3 Year Flexible Chronological Bible Reading. (Excel)
Change date at the beginning, and all dates will change and you will finish in 3 years.  

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