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☟ Was It Designed - Awake! Articles (2008-2016) ☟ 1.0.0

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1 Imagen de referencia


☟ Important

Format: EPUB

 Since 2008, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has been publishing articles in the Awake! magazine titled Was It Designed.

These articles encourage us to look at the variety of life on earth and to consider whether they support design or chance.

This e-book has gathered those thought-provoking one page articles and arranged them as they appeared in the original magazine.

Source material was extracted from the "Research Guide" in the 2014 Watchtower Library - English under the heading "Science and Technology" as well as from the JW.ORG website. Some source material did not contain pictures so substitutes have been added. Where practical, additional research material cited in certain articles has been provided.


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