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Weekly Audio for 10-31-16

The Weekly Audio file is a study-aid for the blind, the visually impaired, the heavily dyslexic, and any others with problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder that make it hard for them to concentrate. 

Though you personally may have no reason to use this aid, it fills a need and is much appreciated by many. If you know of any who could benefit from it please consider telling them about it, or even provide them with a copy if they are unable to burn it to a CD for themselves.

Here's what is in the Weekly Audio file:
1.    The seven daily texts for the week
2.    All of the parts of Our Christian Life and Ministry meeting, including reference material
3.    The week's bible reading assignment
4.    The Bible study (book study)
5.    The month’s magazine presentations and literature offer
6.    The month's What Does The Bible Say from the current Watchtower
7.    The week's Watchtower study
8.    The reading of the Watchtower study from the Simplified version (Streamlined)
9.    All of the songs used during the week, in their place between the parts
10.    It ends with a song from a JW Broadcast, or some other spiritual song not in the song book
The music has vocals, and for the question-and-answer parts, such as the Bible and Watchtower studies, the question is added to the end of each paragraph, along with a few seconds of silence to give the listener time to consider the answer. The silence can also be used as a pausing point.
Since there is no audio provided for the Daily Text, what is considered to be the most natural sounding text-to-speech program available today is used to produce the audio.

"let us work what is good toward all,
but especially toward those related to us in the faith."
(Gal. 6:10)

Weekly Audio for 10-31-16.jpg

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