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Sing to Jehovah vs. Sing Out Joyfully Comparison Chart

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We were sure excited when we learned about the new songbook “Sing Out Joyfully to Jehovah.” Of course, we all knew that it was coming, but none of us had any idea of how extensive the changes would be!
I’d like to share this helpful chart that outlines all the major and minor changes made in the new song book. 


Here are some fun statistics with regards to the new song book.

For example, did you know that six songs were removed?

The following three songs have been completely omitted from the new song book:

16 Flee to God's Kingdom
25 Proof of Discipleship
51 We Cleave to Jehovah

Furthermore, three songs received a complete overhaul. The melody stayed, but the songs themselves have a new theme and entirely new lyrics:

94 Content With God’s Good Gifts    78 ‘Teaching the Word of God’
115 Making Our Way Successful    97 Life Depends on God’s Word
128 The Scene of This World Is Changing    143 Keep Working, Watching, and Waiting

About seven songs received major lyrics changes, namely:

5 Christ, Our Exemplar
13 A Prayer of Thanksgiving
15 Creation Reveals Jehovah’s Glory
21 Happy, the Merciful!
73 Love Intensely From the Heart
84 ‘I Want To’
98 Sowing Kingdom Seed

Finally, 23 songs have had their name changed. Here is an extensive chart that outlines these and all other major and minor changes to the songs


¿Que hay de nuevo en esta actualización? 22/10/16 01:36



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