Otros Idiomas
474 files
Kristianuecheri Irekua ka Aianhpikua Marsu 2016
Por cuanasd
Prog. para el tablero de la Cong.
Vida y Ministerio Cristianos Marzo 2016
Kristianuecheri Irekua ka Aianhpikua Marsu 2016
52 descargas
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Nossa Vida e Ministério Cristão MAIO 2016 1 e 2 salas
Por cuanasd
Programa para o conselho da Congregação. Maio de 2016 - 1 e 2 salas
60 descargas
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Nossa Vida e Ministério Cristão - Março 2016
Por cuanasd
programa para o conselho da congregação Março 2016
69 descargas
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Foglio assegnazione
Por tore
Salve fratelli! Stavolta vi condivido il formato S89 che serve per assegnare le parte da svolgere nella nuova Vita Cristiana e Ministero, giacchè non è disponibile qui in Messico questo formato da parte della Filiale in italiano, questo archivio PDF vi permette di stampare in un foglio 4 formati, comunque mi dispiace no renderlo disponibile per modificarsi prima di stampare.
Spero sia di aiuto!
66 descargas
- vita cristiana e ministero
- italiano
- (y 3 más)
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Vita Cristiana e Ministero
Por tore
Dalla prima settimana di gennaio 2016 si terranno l’ adunanza Vita cristiana e ministero, per questo motivo e come non ho trovato nessun archivio o software in lingua italiana qui, vi condivido il seguente programma in versione excel pronti per la stampa. Bisogna solo inserire i nominativi dopo avere creato un database. Può essere compilato includendo tutte le adunanze o suddivise, in base alle proprie necessità. Potete scaricare la guida passo passo e il programma gestione Bacheca 2016.
Spero sia utile.
84 descargas
- italiano
- vita cristiana
- (y 3 más)
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Programa Tonemilis uan toTanojnotsalis - Nahuatl
Por rule
Es programa para ponerlo en el tablero de anuncios, esta en nahuatl de la sierra norte de puebla.
Solo hay que agregar en nombre de los asignados
Prog. Vida y Ministerio Cristianos nht.docx
134 descargas
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Nossa Vida e Ministério Cristão FEV-2016 - 1 Sala - Portugues
Por cuanasd
Prog. Nossa Vida e Ministério Cristão FEV-2016 - 1 sala
103 descargas
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Nossa Vida e Ministério Cristão FEV-2016 - 2 salas - Portugues
Por cuanasd
Prog. Nossa Vida e Ministério Cristão FEV-2016 - 2
150 descargas
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vymc Nossa Vida e Ministério Cristão. Português. Janeiro 2016
Por Alvaromo
Agenda para a reunião. Português
Nossa Vida e Ministério Cristão. Janeiro 2016
169 descargas
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Weekly Goals & Assignments
Por moyens
Weekly Goals & Assignments
Choose your assignments for the week by marking the boxes on the left. As you complete each assignment, mark each box to the right. On family study night, review last week's accomplishments and set new goals for the upcoming week. Celebrate your success!
131 descargas
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Strenghts and Weaknesses
Por moyens
Strenghts and Weaknesses
Jehovah knows our strengths. He can use us to apply our strengths towards doing his will. Ask someone you trust to help identify your greatest strengths. Look for ways you can apply your strengths to promote kingdom interests and encourage others.
78 descargas
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Serving Jehovah Daily
Por moyens
Serving Jehovah Daily
Mark each day that you do something for Jehovah. Over time you will see your steadfastness. Analyze the details to determine if there is a pattern in your worship. If so, what does the pattern tell you?
61 descargas
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My prepared answers worksheet
Por moyens
My prepared answers worksheet
This form is created to encourage our young ones to answer at the meetings. Parents cover the material with the children and help them to put the answer into their own words. Be prepared with more than one answer in case the Brother doesn’t call on you for the one you want the most.
105 descargas
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My Prayer request
Por moyens
My Prayer request
Sometimes our children want to pray for something but they are not sure what to say. This sheet will help to encourage the children to express their thoughts. It encourages them to be active in the family prayers and it also helps them to feel important to Jehovah. With this form, our children can write down their thoughts and you parents can include your children’s thoughts in your prayer. With prayer being a constant aid to us we want to show the children the importance of prayer.
54 descargas
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Ministry Prep - My Favorite Presentations
Por moyens
Ministry Prep - My Favorite Presentations
For the bullet points of each theme or scripture, write in your favorite memorable questions, phrases, and arguments that will help to draw interest.
130 descargas
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How do I apply worksheet
Por moyens
How do I apply worksheet
This sheet is used to help teach the children what to ask while reading any material. It will also help to show them how the material is important and how to apply the read material. This form is created to be used by parents and children.
29 descargas
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Goals - New System
Por moyens
Goals - New System
With our limited time, health, and knowledge, we realize the need to put off certain things until Jehovah’s promised New World. This page is designed to make the new system of things more real to you (1 Timothy 6:19).
18 descargas
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Goal - Short and Long
Por moyens
Goal - Short and Long
First, decide which long-term goals you would like to accomplish. Be sure to set realistic due dates for each goal. When finished, plan out the short-term goals you need to accomplish in order to reach your long-term successes.
17 descargas
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Bible Highlights
Por moyens
Bible Highlights
This form was created to help children prepare Bible Highlights in their own words. Parents read the Bible reading and explain. Help your children to see the importance of preparing Bible Highlights.
Always prepare more than one since someone else may like the scripture you choose and this will give you a greater chance of being called on by the brother.
34 descargas
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Bible character research
Por moyens
This worksheet helps the children to get to know the characters in the Bible. It is a great way to teach
our children to use the aids Jehovah provides. It encourages them to dig into the material to learn
more. When they finish with the questions, they can turn it into a talk. During Family Worship Night
encourage our young ones to present the material they found and this will help prepare them for the
Theocratic School as well as doing speeches in school. It builds their confidence and skill.
24 descargas
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Ayuda para el campo italiano p2
Por tore
Buongiorno fratelli e sorelle!!!
En este post me gustaria compartir una pequeña guia que a mi grupo de idioma italiano nos ha servido para tener en mente como poder conversar rapido y conciso en el campo de negocios ya que en GDL el principal modo de llegar a personas italianas es en restaurantes o negocios.
El archivo contiene un par de sugerencias de Nuestro Minesterio del Reino y un par de presentaciones pequeñas del libro Razonamiento.
111 descargas
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Ayuda para el campo italiano p1
Por tore
Buenos dias hermanos y hermanas, ahora que estoy viendo la nueva organizacion del foro veo que incluyeron amablemente una seccion de otros idiomas. Es sabido que en el territorio de la sucursal de Mexico se hablan demasiados idiomas, tanto indigenas como extranjeros.
En este caso, me gustaria aportar dos documentos que ya hace un par de años hice para ayudar a los hermanos que empezaron a apoyar al grupo de italiano de mi ciudad, son pocas palabras, pero para aquellos que tienen la meta de aprender el italiano para servir en algun grupo o congregacion de este idioma en el pais.
Espero sea de utilidad.
146 descargas
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Por nexus79
Por nexus79
Por walterlima
Por walterlima